Middle Ages Dress Up Game (12-15th Century)

Dress Buttons Skin Buttons Hat Buttons Accessory Buttons

All art and code by xVanyx.
Based on 12th-15th century European women's fashion.

How to play:
- Click/ tap the buttons to dress your maiden.
- The buttons at the very right are "circle through" buttons. Click them several times to see all options.



This is my first full-scale HTML dress up game and also my first game with digitally-colored traditional art. I'm so happy with how both turned out. One cool thing about HTML games is that you can play them on mobile devices. The layout of this game isn't ideal for mobile, but it's something I'll look into for my next game! Another cool thing about HTML is that I can use my traditional art with better quality than before ^__^. 

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Comments: 13
  • #1

    a friend from scratch ^^ (Wednesday, 28 March 2018 14:50)

    this game is fun and amazing, i made a handsome woman :P ty and good job

  • #2

    diavlo (Thursday, 05 April 2018 08:47)

    cool :D

  • #3

    another friend from scratch! (Monday, 16 April 2018 02:43)

    I love it!!!

  • #4

    A third friend from scratch (Tuesday, 15 May 2018 04:36)

    I love this new HTML game!

  • #5

    @cs830312 (Monday, 18 June 2018 05:07)

    Congrats on coding this! I'm just learning HTML, and this is just an exemplary example! :)

  • #6

    gardengirl818 (Sunday, 16 December 2018 21:47)

    This is amazing! Very realistic!

  • #7

    DaniDan (Friday, 08 March 2019 22:10)

    Very cool!

  • #8

    phoenixfireroses (Tuesday, 12 March 2019 01:20)

    how did you make this???

  • #9

    teya (Wednesday, 26 February 2020 02:48)

    very cute!

  • #10

    Your Scratch Friend (Saturday, 04 April 2020 18:39)

    I love this game! Perfect for my fantasy OCs.

  • #11

    cece (Tuesday, 19 May 2020 21:42)

    she can have a baby that is cool

  • #12

    Sparklekitty48 (Friday, 27 November 2020 07:24)

    When is your next game coming out?

  • #13

    Treelanguge (Tuesday, 21 February 2023)

    I like it