How to play:
- Click/ tap the icons to style Pocahontas.
These games with SelenaEde's art were great fun and have really grown on me, but this will be the last one for now, I think. I managed to fulfill all my "objectives"
and can now present to you my first truly mobile friendly game, which resizes itself to fit smaller screens and has buttons which are placed in such a way that you won't have to scroll, if you turn your phone to play vertically (shoes at the bottom, comb at the top, etc.).
I've also used my sisters favorite Disney princess, and she is a huge smartphone enthusiast, so that must be good for something, too.
Art by SelenaEde [link] and Clipart-Library; coding by me
Objective for my next game: Draw your own art again and stay mobile friendly.
Last objective: Met! Mobile friendly size/ dimensions.
Mobile Friendly